Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Drug Treatment For Adolescents And Adolescents - 1732 Words

DRUG TREATMENT FOR ADOLESCENTS 2 ABSTRACT Youths in the United States are using drugs more than ever and even at a younger age than the past. Reaching out to these younger addicts can be complicated. There are several ways to approach substance abuse treatment for youths. School counselors and parents are the first step to detecting the addiction. Then there is finding the right treatment for the youth. Assessment and continued treatment could include outpatient or in patient therapy. Depending on the addiction and the family support, treatment†¦show more content†¦When discussing drug treatment for our youths in the United States, it would seem fitting to look at the history of drug treatment and the rising problem of drug addiction in our youths today. These topics can tell a story of how far treatment has come when dealing with drug abuse in youths. It can also show the different and delicate approaches that are so different than drug abuse treatment in adults. So as we begin our journey into treatment of youth s and review the different treatment approaches, it will be clear the importance of drug treatment in their lives and futures. History Drug abuse in children and adolescents has been a problem since the past when drugs were used for aliments and now because of the ever present drug problem in our country. There is no community or family that is not affected by the use of drugs in their children. Drug abuse in children and teenagers may pose a greater problem for our country since they have not completely developed their brains to an adult level, with this in thought it seems clear why adolescents can become addicted drugs. (medilineplus, 2014). We know that alcohol and some drugs have been around for quite some time and were not even considered a problem. Actually drugs like cocaine and

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